
House Stark is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms and the principal house of the North. Its seat is at Winterfell, one of the oldest castles in the Seven Kingdoms. Its coat of arms displays a grey direwolf running on a white field, and its words are Winter is Coming. Bastards born in the North are given the surname "Snow". House Stark had ruled as the Kings in the North for thousands of years until House Targaryen conquered Westeros, whereafter the Starks were known as the Lords of Winterfell and Wardens of the North. For prizing honor and devotion to duty, House Stark is the closest of the noble houses to heroism.

Over the course of the novels, the Starks are scattered by the War of the Five Kings, and the fate of the House remains uncertain, as most characters believe that all the legitimate Stark sons are dead.


Eddard Stark

Duración 1 Milenios
Personas destinatarias Supervisores / inspectores, Equipos técnicos jurisdiccionales (ETJ), Asesores pedagógicos, Tutores, Preceptores, Auxiliares, Formadores de formadores, Otros, Estudiantes de ISFD, asdasd, Equipos directivos, Pierre, Docentes, Docentes, Equipos de orientación escolar
Oferta formativa Moderada
Nivel educativo Primario, Secundario, Superior, Formación profesional, Sabio, llenando, ñulkjhgfdfgh, Inicial, asd, asdasd3, Sensei, Senpai, Kohai
Contenidos temáticos
Modalidad En línea / virtual, Telekinesis, Semipresencial


Inscripciones: Desde el 01/02/2022 hasta el 08/03/2022

Cursada: Desde el 15/03/2022 hasta el 12/05/2022
